There’s something special about seeing a Christmas stocking hanging up on Christmas eve. It brings back all kinds of nostalgia from my childhood, of the excitement that Santa will soon be there.
Christmas Traditions
Christmas is a big family affair in my household. It doesn’t matter whether it is the whole clan together, parents, brother, sister and their families; or just me and my son together at home, it is all about family.

This is me, my mum, aunty and cousin on my 2nd Christmas!
We all have our traditions, like having our favourite Christmas music playing while we wrap presents; decorating the tree with our favourite ornaments; the food eat. And one of those is hanging the Christmas stockings.
When I was a child we didn’t have a mantle piece to hang our stockings on so we always used to hang them off the ends of our beds.
The last thing we did before crawling into bed would be to carefully lay out our stockings on the ends of our beds, full of excitement of what the morning would bring. Then of course we’d be up at 6am, with our flashlights checking to see whether Santa had been. My poor parents!
That’s a tradition that I’ve carried over to my own family. And yes, my son used to be up early checking out his stocking too!

Christmas Decor
This year I thought it was time for a bit of a refresh.
My son is all grown up now and deserves a more grown up Christmas stocking than the one from his childhood (don’t worry, I haven’t thrown the old one away, I’ve kept it safe in case he has children of his own one day).
I have recently discovered a love of inset mosaic crochet so I was really excited to design something using that method!
I designed this Christmas Stocking to provoke thoughts of a traditional Christmas. You know, snow on the ground, Christmas songs playing in the background, a roaring fire, a huge tree in the corner decorated and sparkling with tiny tree lights. But with a contemporary twist by using the mustard and off-white colour combination.

With this pattern you too can create these beautiful Christmas stockings, it is suitable for advanced beginners.
You’ll have your family and friends ooing and ahing over these adorable stockings whether you hang them on your mantle piece or on your wall as Christmas decor.
Christmas Stocking Crochet Pattern
To create this Christmas stocking you will need 4ply 100% cotton in your choice of colours – I used Drops Safran in mustard and off-white; a 3.5mm hook and stitch markers.
The pattern is written in standard UK and US terms; it includes a mosaic chart, full written instructions and photo tutorials.
You can purchase a copy of the pattern by clicking on the buy now button below:
Or by visiting one of my other shops:
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I really had fun making it and so did my testers! I want to say a huge thank you to my testers, they did a fantastic job! You can see some of their work below, check out those colour combinations – aren’t they great?!
Click on the images below to visit their Instagram pages and show them some love.
Copyright of Gorgeous Crafts 2022-23. This pattern is for unlimited personal use. Do not reproduce or sell the pattern as your own. The pattern may not be copied in any way (print or digitally), in part or in full. You may sell items that are made from this pattern but please credit gorgeouscrafts.co.uk and add a link back to this post with credit for the design on any online listings. If you are selling at a fair or retail shop, just note this information on the tag. Shop owners, if you wish to make a kit with yarn using this pattern, please request permission and copyright details from the designer before offering any kits for sale. Thank you!