I expect you’ve often been told to be thankful for what you have when something awful happens and it might seem like a pipe dream that writing in a journal could be so beneficial. But the scientific evidence is in, being thankful is a beneficial habit and keeping a gratitude journal an benefit you in big ways if you keep one for the long term and use it daily.

Reasons to keep a gratitude journal are:

1. Changing Thought Patterns:-

studies have shown that we all have a strong mind-body connection.  That means when we are feeling stressed, anxious or another negative emotion it can have a negative effect on our physical health.  By considering those things, events or people you are thankful for you are creating positive thoughts and feelings which will help reduce stress levels.  It will also remind you that whatever happens to you there is always something to be thankful for.

Committing to a gratitude journal refocuses your mind on positive events, conversations and relationships. This enables you to see more than just those negative ones that tend to fill your mind and dominate your thoughts when they happen.

Another way your thought patterns will change is that you will find you start pushing boundaries and removing limiting beliefs.  This will happen as you not only keep your gratitude journal but also review it.  You will find that your mind opens to new possibilities and you gain self confidence.

Something amazing happens when you regularly express gratitude

2. Experience Stronger and More Fulfilling Relationships:-

It’s so simple, but it can be hard to accept. You are the one who makes yourself happy with your own choices.

Another person cannot make you happy or grateful, only you can do that. But something amazing happens when you regularly express gratitude about the relationships in your life – your relationships simply open up and become better.  Those that don’t, you start to recognize for what they are and let them go.

Woman at breakfast table writing in a journal

3. Become Physically Healthier:-

The fact that there is a mind-body connection means that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings in your gratitude journal you are helping to improve your physical and mental health.  Being grateful for the ability to move and breathe will eventually cross over into wanting to ensure that you can always do that.  Therefore, you’ll be more motivated to go on walks, eat right, stay hydrated, and live in gratitude for every aspect of your life.

Studies have shown that regular gratitude journaling can: relieve stress and anxiety; Improve sleep; gain perspective

4. Increase Your Mental Dexterity:-

The ability to take lemons and turn them into that sweet, delightful drink (be that lemonade or gin!) can be gained by keeping a gratitude journal. The main reason is that each time you pull out your journal, no matter how bad your day has been, you will learn to see the good in it. That will help you develop a good imagination, creativity and help you to start thinking on your feet.

5. Create Optimism

some days it’s just too hard to see the wood for the trees.  You’ll find yourself focussing on something that has upset you and that troublesom thought will nag away at you constantly. It’s okay to be angry and upset but taking some time to sit quietly and think about something you’re grateful for will help to reduce the negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones.

Link to bullet Journal monthly cover inspiration

6. Act and Become More Empathetic

As you write more and learn to forgive yourself as you seek to fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude, you will start seeing others differently. You’ll have more ability to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their way without judgment. It happens when you learn to forgive yourself.

7. Improved Sleep

regardless of whether you feel the need for eight hours sleep each night your body and mind do require a regular amount of sleep each night for optimal mental and physical health.  Keeping a gratitude journal is fun, calming and a positive activity that promotes happy thoughts and feelings.  By replacing worry and stress, you can sleep more peacefully and have happier dreams.

Keeping a gratitude journal is fun, calming and a positive activity that promotes happy thoughts and feelings

8. Be more productive

This is connected to the previous point, when you feel more rested, you’ll feel less stressed, and more motivated, you’ll have a lot more energy to get things done every day. And when you get things done you get that dopamine hit, that sense of satisfaction. That’s always going to make you feel even more thankful because good things happen due to increased productivity.

woman in park under tree writing in a journal

9. Feel Better about Yourself

You can’t help but feel better about yourself when you have improved so many good qualities about yourself. Your self-esteem will go up when you express gratitude for what your mind and body can do for you.

10. It’s fun!

Keeping a gratitude journal should be a fun enjoyable experience; something you look forward to. It doesn’t matter whether you use a plain notebook or a really fancy one, you can jazz it up by using different coloured pens or pencils, or even decorating the pages.

If you want to create a positive change in yourself and your life, then keeping a gratitude journal may just be the tool you are looking for. It’s cheap, easy and very beneficial to your physical and mental health!


If you’re looking for inspiration for your gratitude journal then pop over to my Pinterest board.  Gratitude journals can be hand drawn like my layout below or there are plenty of pre-made gratitude journals out there, like the one I have in my shop.  I’d love to see your gratitude logs, use #GorgeousCraftsUK to share them with me and I’ll add them to my Pinterest board.

gratitude log, decorated with hand drawn mountains in a journal, open on top of notebooks on a desk

pink journal on pink fluffy cushions on a bed

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